Indeed, since 1991, photography by Xavier Lucchesi is closely linked to the medium of radiology. Diverting medical imaging to its support role of information and interpretation, it gives it a status of representation and artistic creation. Using this technique as a passage from one state to another photo, he plays effects negative / positive, true / false or outside / inside. Since 1996, he worked in partnership with major museums (musée des arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie, Museum of Natural History, Buffon museum, Picasso museum …). Xavier Lucchesi has exhibited throughout Europe, Russia and Japan.
This book reflects a shooting ray African sculptures from the collections of the Quai Branly Museum.
Operation rather than a clinic – as in the case of medical radiography, seeking hidden truth – the work of Xavier Lucchesi is an operation that extracts the work – primitive or otherwise – of its status as a museum object , sentenced to the only representation of himself.
This book reflects a shooting ray African sculptures from the collections of the Quai Branly Museum.
Operation rather than a clinic – as in the case of medical radiography, seeking hidden truth – the work of Xavier Lucchesi is an operation that extracts the work – primitive or otherwise – of its status as a museum object , sentenced to the only representation of himself.
15 € au lieu de 30 €
Xavier Lucchesi né en 1959, photographe sans appareil photo, il révèle l’objet par la radiographie. Ses outils : des bains de révélateurs et des fixateurs. Ses premières radios ont été réalisées dans les hôpitaux. Depuis 1996, il travaille avec de grands musées (musée des arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie, museum d’histoire naturelle, musée Buffon, musée Picasso…). La radiographie accentue l’aspect fantasmagorique du sujet, transformé en véritable peinture moderne.
Essayiste. Il s’intéresse à la culture autrichienne et à l’œuvre de Robert Musil. A publié une biographie de Mozart, deux essais sur Julien Gracq.
Critique d’art, commissaire, coordinatrice des arts visuels à Africalia.
Directeur du département du patrimoine et des collections du musée du quai Branly.