Arranged in series, these photographs have a unique ownership that reveals the strangeness of the world it chooses to show us. Each methodically dismantles his photographs of the ambient universe. The general themes of this work is related to combat, competition, greed, consumption. While so many images of Epinal, where human activity is disembodied and where the specter of existential vacuum.
She is interested in his favorite subject, the world of games, it explores the past few years with, among others, turfistes, fighting cock, video games or wrestlers forming a sequence almost minimalist. Nothing is said about the action of these athletes, the framework consists of the nearest body. On the ground, often outside the ring, they seem abandoned by life. Crime scenes, so to speak. Nothing bloody, however, no sweat really, but redness and strange postures. Unsightly and stable: the sleepers suddenly lit but no light n’éveille.
CNAP/DAP - Galerie Schirman & de Beaucé, Paris
Hors Collection
245 x 210
Broché avec rabats
35 color photos
72 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-183-0
Press review