80+80, photo_graphisme

80 photographes et 80 graphistes

80+80, photo_graphisme

80 photographes et 80 graphistes

Two galleries photo agency for one (VU), graphic design agency for another (Anatome, specializing particularly in the institutional and political communication), they decided to celebrate in their own way the 20 years of VU ‘inviting 160 designers from around the world (photographers and designers) to compare their experiences and views in the context of pairs created by random draw. U.S. "force" the work of a photographer that they had not necessarily face a creative universe already expressed, the designers have responded in many ways. "Some have superimposed their visual codes or typo_graphiques like photo_graphique," explain with one voice Couvreu Anne-Marie, artistic director of the Galerie Anatome, and Christian Caujolle, artistic director of the agency and the Galerie VU ‘ . "Others have completely revamped and restructured formally. And finally, have added meaning, sometimes in a deliberately transgressive." And as Christian Caujolle in the flow of images that we tonourishour daily, we have – unfortunately – soon to talk about visuals, including in one word all the techniques that led to their creation. "Therefore it seems essential to clarify that 80 associates 80 photographers and graphic designers to produce posters. Not to visuals." Note that the list of guinea pigs of this experiment is pleasantly prestigious. Just look at what designers have embarked on the adventure: Majid Abbasi, Philippe Apeloig, Ruedi Baur, Michel Bouvet, Change is Good, Red Castle, down, Sébastien Courtois, Pascal Colrat, H5, Ich & Kar, Alexander Gelman, NTE , Typomagical, Cyan, Malta Martin, Niklaus Troxler, Jeanne Verdoux, Alex Singer, Etienne Robial, Vincent Perrottet, Alain Le Quernec … And this is just a small sample! As for photographers, this is not bad either … Rip Hopkins, Darzacq Denis, Gérard Rondeau, Serge Picard, Isabel Muñoz …

Leonor of Bailliencourt – 06/2005
Aman Iman
Aman Iman
175 x 245
Broché avec rabats
80 illustrations and 80 color photographs and black and white
192 pages
ISBN : 978-2-350460-69-7

Christian Caujolle

Auteur, Critique d'art

Christian Caujolle Artistic Advisor – Galerie Le Château d’Eau, he is also a journalist, critic and independent exhibition commissioner. After having been editor -in -chief in charge of photography at the daily Liberation, he created in 1986 the agency Vu ’. Artistic director of Arles Meetings in 1997 and numerous festivals (Cambodia, Immainssinières, etc.), he is a member of many international juries and has published a large number of works.