If the work of Anne-Marie Filaire is above all a testimony of her presence in countries where conflicts and revolutions take place, she chose to show here intimate images. This notebook indicates moments of his family life and Paris between his various trips. The emphasis is on the need to move away to create. These intimate images point to the round trips, the absences, and the presence with his family and define his biography.
Anne-Marie Filaire

Anne-Marie Filaire Photographer, born in 1961 in Chamalières. Lives in Paris.
For thirty years, his photographic work has been particularly in the so-called frontier zones of the Middle East (Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon), Far East (Cambodia, Vietnam), East Africa and in the Maghreb (Eritrea, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria) as well as in Europe.
The retrospective exhibition “Temporary Safety Zone” presented at MUCEM in 2017 is a testament to this journey. The eponymous work published by Textuel / MuCEM was awarded the FILAF 2017 Prize.
Anne-Marie Filaire teaches photography at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po).
His works are part of many public collections including those of the MNAM, Center Pompidou and the National Library of France.