Il en a coûté à Bernard Guillot de briser le tabou de la photographie intouchable, du transfert sacrosaint du négatif au positif via l’argentique. Il photographie mais il a toujours peint ! Un jour, il franchit le Rubicon, insatisfait de certains tirages. Et la fusion des deux médiums qui procèdent d’une même source s’opéra.
Birth in 1950 of this french artist is marked by a geography that will determine the territories interior Basel on the Rhine, the three borders. For many years, Bernard Guillot divides his time between Egypt and France. Two sensations, two sensations of civilization, two belonging to the world, but a unit of time and place, or atemporalité and extraterritoriality in a double light: photography and painting, with a taste of the wonderful the riddle of the timeless.
This is the spirit of Black and white photography that shows in Agathe Gaillard, his first exposure to rue du Pont Louis-Philippe, from its first images from the series Saint Sulpice from 1978 until the most recent.
This is the spirit of Black and white photography that shows in Agathe Gaillard, his first exposure to rue du Pont Louis-Philippe, from its first images from the series Saint Sulpice from 1978 until the most recent.