His world blends the extraordinary in the ordinary without conflict, with a gentle melancholy … almost as if each still picture could give us, paradoxically, the sense of intimate and disturbing time flies … Her photos do not capture, n’emprisonnent nothing, nothing freeze: they just now releasing all expectations aesthetic, stylistic, and even almost photographic, to simply let it exist in a context which is that of light.
Through photographs drawn from his daily life as “ordinary,” Julien us travel extremely far into the depths of this place of our own intimacy that we usually fly … one that touches the depths of the universal time, fatigue, boredom, all these moments between the moments of active life, “switch off” a bit. […] “
* Selectable between five photographs, each printed in 10 copies.
Julien Magre

Julien Magre was born in 1973. He is presented by the gallery Le Réverbère in Lyon since March 2017. He is attached to the photographic object – the “box” of photographs. Photography exists and applies through the book, an object that can be used in its field and manipulate to make its own.
He has directed several exhibitions in galleries and festivals: in France, Italy, Australia, the Netherlands, and New York in 2003, where his exhibition was sponsored by Michael Stipe.
In 2014, it is part of the collective position of the BAL, it is necessary, I leave with you with Sophie Calle, Antoine d’Agata, Alain Bublex and Stéphane Couturier, catalog ed. Xavier Barral. He exhibited the same year alongside Laure Vasconi at the Filature de Mulhouse and the Tri-Postal of Lille with the France Territoire Liquide collective. In 2015, he exhibited a series They already want at the Château d’Eau in Toulouse. In January 2017, he presents his series Troubles and One Winter Without Mist at the Galerie Le Lieu, in Lorient. He shows for the first time his series, as well as the fear of darkness at the Toulouse MAP festival in June 2017, is sponsored by Leica. In September 2017 is presented Elles, a corpus of 350 images (photographs, polaroids, letters …) is sold between 1999 and 2017, around his work on his companion Caroline and her two daughters, Louise and Suzanne, at the gallery Le Réverbère in Lyon, in resonance with the Biennale de Lyon.
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