The fifty-five dogs in the Kerfréour district (Lanester 566660) met to have the portrait in the improvised laboratory of the district farm, from the smallest dog in the world (chihuahua) to the largest dog (Irish greyhound).
All pleasantly folded into the scales by showing their best profile. Also we can see in the reflection of their eye the tender and modest presence of their master.
This book was produced by Olivier Leroi thanks to the Fondation de France (new sponsors program) piloted by Éric Foucault (Eternal Network) and supported by the City of Lanester as part of a rehabilitation program in the Kerfrérour district.
The artist Olivier Leroi, who seems to him to suit the context. In turn designer, sculptor, videographer …, he always works in the middle where he intervenes, with the tools of language, forms and places to carry out a work which is freed from any sociological context. This is the discrepancy that interests him, whether through humor or poetry.
Olivier Leroi

Born in Sologne in 1962, Olivier Leroi followed a training as a forest in Meymac in Corrèze while taking an interest in the art of which he developed a personal practice nourished by meetings with various artists.
In 1995 he joined the Institute of Advanced Studies in Plastic Arts, led by Pontus Hulten. His trips for residences in Africa, Dogon country, Torreon, Mexico or Dumont d’Urville, at the South Pole, allowed him to better understand his nearest and most distant environment and, to do this, the Drawing, collage, sculpture, film or video have been privileged exploration instruments. The economy of gesture bases the practice of Olivier Leroi whose careful observation of living environments plays with the scales and is similar to an operation of revealing reality in its sensitive and cognitive dimensions. Among its publications, we can mention chronopoetics, a monograph at Actes Sud editions in 2015, the most recent: Lanester dogs at Eternal Network in 2022 and this book at Filigranes Éditions.