Book authors: Corentin Perrichot | Armelle Andrieu, Thibaut Gaborit, Coralie Moulin, Emmanuel Perez | Fabien Ribéry | Marc Loyon | Michel Collin | Hugo Garbil, Mewenn Hello, Sandra Hosten, Kelvyn James, Cléa Loret, Theo Prioul, Andréa Rampin, Enzo Rozé | Lise Lerichomme | Laurène Alleaume, Katherine Coat, Michel Coquelle, Juliette Fournier, Danièle Jegou, Philip Koci, Alicia Laurent, Henri Leray, Marie Mercier | Jean-Luc Maillard, Jean-Yves Morel, Christophe Schilliger L Cédric Bossard, Patrick Edeline, Jean-Pierre Le Goulven, Claude Le Port, Martine Rolez | Caroline Guittet
D’après photographies, directed by Guillaume Bonnel, is devoted to the photographic observatory of the landscapes of Ille-et-Vilaine. Rather than presenting linearly what is called a “photographic itinerary”, a visual course which embodies a territory in images, it offers an experience which, taking these images for the starting point, allows them to be really careful. The images of the observatory, made by Guillaume Bonnel, were thus given to read to a large audience in the form of a photographic game. During this game the participants had to react to the images by very free creations, which are exhibited in this book.
Guillaume Bonnel

Guillaume Bonnel lives in the Atlantic Pyrenees. He devoted himself to landscape photography after an environment doctorate. Alternating personal work on the landscape, visual research with academics and orders for actors in the environment and town planning. He has produced several photographic observatories of the landscape such as that of the Saoû forest in Drôme, the department of Ille-et-Vilaine, or regional natural parks of the mountain of Reims and Landes de Gascogne. He also collaborates with landscape atlas for landscapers.
He participated in the France.S photographic mission, liquid territory, and is the author of various articles on the links between photography and territorial projects.