Again, Stéphane Duroy went on the trail of tragedies that marked Europe in the twentieth century. He continued his artistic approach by the constancy of the human condition, its endless frustrations, between boredom and resignation, which updates the profound injustices throughout the twentieth century, the peoples of Europe have plunged into an endless tragedy. Here, it is up to the surface memories of Germany between 1933 and 1945.
Yesterday, the denial of their human values by European nations, blinded by fear has precipitated many of them in abject totalitarian.
Today, resurgent, human distress remains – regardless of his face … loneliness, slavery, anti-Semitism, racism – a real threat to the community when a tiny number of people access to knowledge leaves people in ignorance and contempt he wrote last December. Nourished by the poetry of Brecht, Baudelaire, these words are in the twenty-first century, with the September 11 disaster and Japan, an additional weight.
Hors Collection
205 x 305
Relié couverture cartonnée et toilée
25 photos black and white
40 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-262-2
Press review
- 10/10/2013 Stéphane Duroy (Réponses Photo - Hors Série)
- 14/11/2012 Stéphane Duroy par Camille Moulonguet (Images Magazine)
- 01/01/2013 Geisterbild (Réponses photo)
- 05/12/2012 Geisterbild par Télérama (Télérama)
- 07/11/2012 Stéphane Duroy par Bernard Perrine (Le Journal de la photographie)
- 17/10/2012 Dossier de Presse Stéphane Duroy ( )
Stéphane Duroy

Stéphane Duroy began in 1977 working on the vast changes in England at the time of Thatcherism … Meanwhile, he began in 1980, work on West Berlin, which will lead, after the fall of the Wall in the former East Germany and Poland. In 1991, he received at the World Press Photo, the first prize in the category “nature and environment” for his photo on the pollution in the former German Democratic Republic. He received in 2003 a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, which allows him to do this work on Portugal.
8 books by Stéphane Duroy published Filigranes:
Une saison en Lorraine (1998) ; L’Europe du silence (2000) ; Cercle de famille (2004) ; Unknown (2007) ; Berlin (2009) ; 1297 (2009) ; Distress (2011) et Geisterbild (2012)
8 books by Stéphane Duroy published Filigranes:
Une saison en Lorraine (1998) ; L’Europe du silence (2000) ; Cercle de famille (2004) ; Unknown (2007) ; Berlin (2009) ; 1297 (2009) ; Distress (2011) et Geisterbild (2012)
Rencontres avec Stéphane Duroy
Stéphane Duroy
Sophie Bernard
Quel temps il fait, Stéphane Duroy ?
Ezra Nahmad
Stéphane Duroy
Unknown #2
Stéphane Duroy
Stéphane Duroy
Stéphane Duroy
Stéphane Duroy
Stéphane Duroy
Stéphane Duroy
Cercle de famille
Stéphane Duroy
L’Europe du silence
Stéphane Duroy
Eric Perrot
Une saison en Lorraine
Stéphane Duroy
Eric Perrot
D’Est en Ouest
Eric Perrot, Stéphane Duroy, Graciela Iturbide, Yvon Lambert, Paulo Nozolino, Klavdij Sluban, Anthony Suau