“The artistic project deals with utopia, the idea of life in the forest, as if, for example, there was a question of reliving Thoreau’s experience. From a naked forest plot, build a hut , live there. Photography comes to record the experience and extend it.
Once carried out, the cabin also becomes a place of residence and a laboratory which make it possible to produce images of another register, linked to the landscape, to its imprint on silver paper. The artistic part is therefore inseparable from the construction, one nourishes the other: the experience lived on the plot justifies the production of photographs and vice versa, the production of photographs calls for experience-as an author who would multiply the Life experiences to feed your autobiographical story …
[…] We had to wait for night to fall, enter the forest in the light of the front, pass it red to handle the photosensitive paper. You quickly feel very vulnerable, you feel wipped, for lack of landmarks and usual, or it is the fear of black simply.
G. E.
Grégoire Eloy

Gregory Eloy born in 1971, a documentary photographer since 2003. For 10 years, he traveled to the Eastern European and Central Asian countries for long-term projects on Soviet heritage and the wars of the South Caucasus , in particular its series forgotten the pipeline (2006) and surf (2008-2013). The last component, on glaciology, is in progress. Since 2015, he has been interested in our relationship to the environment and wild in immersive residences in the natural environment.
In June 2021, he obtained the prestigious price niepce images. He has been a member of the Flurred Trendy Collective since 2016.
Marc-Emmanuel Bervillé
Auteur, Charpentier

Marc-Emmanuel Bervillé, born in 1984 in the Gard, lives in Saint-Cyr-la-Rosière in the Perche. After twelve years spent in the contemporary art market between Berlin and Paris, he changed his life in 2016 to join the campaign and become a carpenter. His work is mainly turned towards the hand of wooden huts which find their place in private or in the middle of nature. Passionate about art, architecture and outside activities, he develops a personal approach to his profession, between realistic crafts and aesthetic and ecological concerns.