"I’ve always loved the company of the dead, but Hervé Guibert was a ghost so rebellious that I thought having molested by mistake. Yet he who had slipped in my sleep one night without having made an appointment you. His presence surprised me. I‘d never met him, he had already entered into legend. I imagined rather quiet, and there, like a boxer disappointed by the weight of his opponent, he s‘ agitated. He spoke with great gestures, but I could not hear his words: dumb it was a dream, which he was the ventriloquist. "B.O.
Brigitte Ollier
Auteur, Journaliste

John Ford Point, avec des photographies de Vincent Mercier, est son dernier livre édité par Filigranes, après Henri (Cartier-Bresson), Robert (Doisneau), et Hervé (Guibert). Elle a aussi accompagné Louis Heilbronn pour From Flowers and More et, auparavant, Bernard Descamps avec Quelques Afriques.
Chez Hazan, ont paru Robert Doisneau et Manuel Alvarez Bravo ; aux éditions du Regard, Rogi André, photo sensible, avec Elisabeth Nora ; aux éditions de l’œil, Malick Sidibé au village.
Son site web, www.best-regards.fr, assemble ses instantanés de voyages et ses rencontres au fil du temps.