Images d’une histoire souterraine

  • HS
  • HS
  • HS
  • HS
  • HS


Images d’une histoire souterraine

HS is a journal of 18 photographs that echo the story of Amaury da Cunha, Histoire souterraine, published simultaneously with the editions of Rouergue.
This publication constitutes an echo chamber, as a photographic annex, in the margin of the text.
In this autobiographical narrative, there is talk of the death of a brother in Singapore, a rupture in love in Sicily, and multiple incidents of fatal.

If we find some places (Sicily, Asia …) and the striking faces of history, these images are neither legend nor located in time or space.

They draw an autonomous space, potentially narrative, marked by the dazzling, the oddity, and the gloomy beauty of the world.

Like “wandering Icons whose destiny is to go adrift,” to quote the poet Roberto Juarroz.

Print 300 copies

• France Culture Les Nouvelles vagues par Marie Richeux écouter ici >

Hors Collection
295 x 420
18 photos colors
28 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-419-0
Press review


Images d’une histoire souterraine

De cet ouvrage il a été tiré cinquante exemplaires de tête numérotés, accompagnés d’un tirage original* au format 18 x 24 cm, numéroté et signé par Amaury da Cunha.

* Dix photographies différentes tirées chacune à cinq exemplaires.
  • HS
    Photo #1
  • HS
    Photo #2
  • HS
    Photo #3
  • HS
    Photo #4
  • HS
    Photo #5
  • HS
    Photo #6
  • HS
    Photo #7
  • HS
    Photo #8
  • HS
    Photo #9
  • HS
    Photo #10


Images d’une histoire souterraine

Amaury da Cunha

Auteur, Photographe

Amaury da Cunha, born in Paris in 1976, is both a photographer and a writer. He graduated from the École nationale supérieure de la photographie in Arles in 2000 and quickly stood out for his dual artistic talent, combining image and writing. He is currently a journalist at Le Monde and an editor at Le Monde des livres.

In 2009, he made his literary and photographic debut with Saccades, a collection combining texts and images, published by Yellow Now. His first solo exhibition in Paris, in November 2012 as part of the Mois de la Photo, was accompanied by the publication of Après tout by Le Caillou Bleu. In 2015, he expanded his bibliography with Fond de l’œil (Le Rouergue), a collection of stories exploring photography, and Incidences (Filigranes), his third monographic work.

His writing diversified with the publication of Histoire souterraine, an autobiographical account published by Le Rouergue in March 2017. In May 2018, he collaborated with Sylvie Gracia on the publication of Demeure, a photography book accompanied by texts, published by h’artpon.

In 2021, after a writing residency at the Randell Cottage in Wellington, New Zealand, Amaury da Cunha published a documentary story, Baby Farmer, with Plein Jour. His next work, (Sonner dans le vide), will be published in 2025 by Iconoclaste.