Invalides. Mémoires de guerre
Invalides. Mémoires de guerre
Since the 17th century, the National Institution of Invalides (INI) in Paris has housed a hospital where residents live. War invalids, the 25-year-old veterans meet there veterans of the Second World War, Indochina or Algeria and recently victims of attacks.
As part of the development of its policy devoted to the memory and history of the Hôtel des Invalides, the Musée de l’Armée set up a photographic commission in 2017 on the National Institution of Invalides. Entrusted to Philippe de Poulpiquet, this gave rise to a photographic report focused on the medical function of the Hotel and focusing on the men and women who live and work on the south side of the Invalides. For a year, the photographer immersed himself in the daily life of the Institution – a place of care, of life, but also of death – and reveals the permanence of its historical and memorial dimensions. Built like a photographic chronicle, this report follows the people who bring this place to life: veterans wounded in combat during decolonization wars or in Afghanistan, civilian victims of attacks, hospital staff, military authorities …
At the Invalides, under the watchful eye of Philippe de Poulpiquet, these men and women become the bruised flesh of a country marked by the wounds of war.
Philippe de Poulpiquet

Philippe de Poulpiquet (born in 1972) is a photographer and senior reporter for the newspaper Le Parisien / Aujourd’hui en France. After studying film in Paris, he worked with the magazine press and gradually specialized in news journalism. Philippe de Poulpiquet has covered the main conflicts of the past fifteen years in Africa and the Middle East.
Anthony Petiteau

Anthony Petiteau Responsible for the collection of photographs – Army Museum – Invalides.

Christophe de Saint Chamas French military. General of the army, he has been governor of Les Invalides since August 1, 2017.
Ariane James-Sarazin

Ariane James-Sarazin Archivist and General Curator of Heritage. Art historian.
Joël Coste

Joël Coste University professor-hospital practitioner of biostatistics and epidemiology.
Alexis Jenni

Alexis Jenni Writer. Prix Goncourt 2011 for his first published novel, The French Art of War.
Michel Guisset

Michel Guisset General Inspector, Director of the National Institution for Invalids since 2019.