Jardin d’essai is the first book of Maude Grübel.
Set of photographs taken in Algiers and its surroundings between 2009 and 2014, he alternated urban views with portraits and landscapes.
Walls, facades, roads, burnt wood, body and close off figures, statues and tissues follow one another, marked by a history that never ends – to go, to come back.
Archaeology present and biographical materials. Faced with the silence of the visible, the gaze is serene, almost surgical, but strangely lyrical in his way of suggesting, through textures and faults from outside the frame and the cracks of the intimate.
* Four different photographs, each taken 10 copies.
Maude Grübel

A graduate of the Academy of Photography in Munich (Staatliche Fachakademie für Fotodesign), Maude Grübel lives in Marseille since 2006. In his personal and collective projects, she leads a reflection on our intimate memory and temporal relationships. Born of a German father and a French mother of Tunisia, his work is part of a territory between Europe and the Maghreb.
She divides her time between artistic workshops and personal work that earned him several exhibition in France, Germany and Algeria.