This bed of greenery inspires not abandon but an awaiting. Overhanging a vast motorway junction, circled by towers, it is a vegetal stop against which the historical axe of the Parisian West comes to break. On this section of motorway returned to a state of wilderness, the stones tell
no more stories. They allow the unexpected to come into being. Sensitive to the interactions of the natural and the man-made, Cyrille Weiner interprets the space in its force of both destruction and renewal: spurts
of sap crack through the cement, fluid sands destroy the supporting walls, plants grip onto the motorway parapets. Everything communicates, overflows, spreading out over the infrastructures that shape the landscape to the measure of man. The wasteland, with its tangles of plants, converts the territory into a free-zone, open to a multitude of uses. As if escaped from towns in which introversion, private property and isolation triumph,
a few men here seem to reconquer their own time, energy and imagination. Cyrille Weiner observes this concrete reappropriation of
the wasteland, the bodies and hands that dig, plant, weed and hence create the field. But this primary reality is filtered, transcribed into a fiction
of the end-of-the-world and a paradise lost. In this wasteland of designs suspended, usual bearings of time become blurred ; these men come
to resemble both the first and the last.
Marguerite Pilven
* Choice possible between three photographs, each drawn with 5 copies (Format of the print 20 x 25 cm)
Cyrille Weiner
Cyrille Weiner Born in 1976 and graduated from ENS Louis Lumière, Cyrille Weiner lives in Paris. His work has been published by numerous international magazines (M Le Monde, foam, British Journal of Photography, Artpress, Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, domus …) and exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon, Arles, at Villa Noailles in Hyères.Cyrille Weiner received the Prix Rodolphe Hervé and Lucien Hervé in 2012. He is the author of Presque île, editions villa Noailles / archibooks (2009) and twice, editions 19/80 2015).
Patrick Bouchain
Patrick Bouchain is an architect, scenographer, and known for having rehabilitated many industrial sites in cultural places but also for having specialized in the construction of ephemeral structures in the service of an architecture with High Quality Human …
Marguerite Pilven

Marguerite Pilven Marguerite Pilven is a graduate of a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy (Esthétique specialization at the Sorbonne) and a Master’s Degree in Art History on Pierre Klossowski (The Mysteries of Roberte or the ambiguous image) And exhibition curator, member of the IAIS since 2017. She focuses on the relationship between image and writing.