La galerie d’art


La galerie d’art


What is a gallery of art today? How does it everyday? What is its role in the world of art? This book addresses the audience, artists and all those who want to create a gallery. It helps guide everyone in their approaches, they are artistic, business, legal or taxation. For opening a gallery is above all a matter of passion and commitment. It is choosing to be at the heart of creation, by providing the indispensable link between the artist and the amateur.
How does one become a gallery owner? The strategic choices and defining a strong identity is essential to anticipate financial risks. Foremost exhibition venue and investigation, the Art Gallery focuses artistic intuition, personal conviction, patience and listening.
What links weaves a gallery does with its artists? Over the years, their relationship takes place exclusively in the subtlety of mutual commitments, both financial and emotional business. This applies to the allocation of costs of production, or links with collectors.
From the downpayment storage works, daily administration is unavoidable, even in relations with the private and public institutions, with exhibitions, fairs, auction houses auction. Because she knows the tax incentives, the gallery can actively support the choice of new buyers.
Finally, this book provides an exhaustive survey of legal regulations and tax profession, who have no secret for anyone interested in this profession with passion.
Hors Collection
160 x 208
Broché avec rabats
168 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-188-5