“Over the last few years, I have regularly intervened with the institutional artists of the artistic diffusion and the future “managers” of the art market. I found that there were few simple and effective tools for the artists themselves, at the heart of the culture, the market.
My first book “exhibition mode d’emploi” published by Filigranes Éditions, was addressed to the professionals of the world of the art, to its organizers and diffusers; It is a tool for the visual artist, the photographer, the plastic designer, the plastic artist, and his creations. It allows him to define himself within the art market, to know how to protect his creations, to understand the relationships with his first representatives (galleries, curators, agents) and the successive actors of the market.
From the first introspective circle on the professional organization of the creator, I open to each new circle a little more the description of the relations of the artist with his various interlocutors. From the artist with his gallery, his curators, his collectors, with contemporary art fairs, auction houses but also with public institutions and companies. From creation to dissemination and finally to sales, each circle describes its own organization and unveils multiple simple strategic and legal advice.”
Caroline Schirman
Caroline Schirman
Consultante, Galeriste

Caroline Schirman is a lawyer by training specializing in intellectual property law and more generally in cultural law and literary and artistic property law. She gained a thorough knowledge of the institutional functioning of culture as the main legal partner of the Pompidou Center for ten years and subsequently immersed herself in art market networks during the creation and co -direction of a contemporary art gallery in Paris. The numerous conferences and training courses delivered to local public authorities (museums, art centers, heritage curators, cultural affairs departments) and Parisian art market management schools allow them to maintain a permanent link with the public. cultural experiment but also to know its expectations. Author of two works dedicated to the art market “exhibition user manual” and “the artist and its market” editions filigranes, it also delivers masterclasses and workshops recognized by the icpf & psi approved by the CNEFOP to destination of artists, curators and other professionals of the culture.