Le cercle

Journaux photographiques (1993-2004)

Le cercle

Journaux photographiques (1993-2004)
This set combines 3 photographic newspapers: Le Journal de campagne in Matheysine, Le Journal de Bretagne, Mané Braz and The Journal of Brittany, the toy camera. These newspapers are exploring the geography of the dreamy mountains and countryside. Populated images of animals, figures, objects, plants, pictures poems that are riddles that the photographer takes on its territories intimate. There is a combinatorial use of lights and bodies, things and gestures, mundane details and sacred that contributes to making this work a theater of shadows, of echoes, of encounters, the scene of rituals whose meaning is lost in memories of childhood.
Hors Collection
120 x 165
100 duo tone photos
32 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-009-3