For more than forty years now, Catherine Poncin has been photography with photographs. Better still: she photographs photography. However, the critical texts that accompany his work tend to detach the photographer from photography, as if his work was above all second-hand, meta-photographic. This work aims to re-examine this conviction and expand reflection to the following questions: what is Catherine Poncin’s work does the images which are the source of her inspiration, but also to photography, as practical, as Art, as thought? C. M.
Catherine Poncin
Artiste, Photographe, Plasticien

L’Empreinte de la photographie
Catherine Poncin
Christian Michel
Rencontre Catherine Poncin – Christine Ollier
Catherine Poncin
Christine Ollier
Smith, Ellen Kooi, Catherine Poncin, Thibaut Cuisset, Corinne Mercadier, Thierry Fontaine, Yusuf Sevinçli, Matt Wilson, Karen Knorr, Laura Henno
Carpe Diem
Catherine Poncin
Michel Poivert, Florence Calame-Levert
Archives d’un présent
Catherine Poncin
Ricardo Arcos-Palmas, Gonzalo Sanchez G.
1418. échos, versos et graphies de batailles
Catherine Poncin
Michel Poivert, Guillaume Nahon
Catherine Poncin
Van Speybroeck Daan
Éloge de combats ordinaires
Catherine Poncin
Magali Jauffret
La boîte de Pandore
Catherine Poncin
Nathalie Leleu
Catherine Poncin
Nourredine Saadi
Vis à vis
Catherine Poncin
Armelle Canitrot
Catherine Poncin
Alger Elèves du Lycée A. Dumas
Sans conte, ni légende
Catherine Poncin
Rajae Benchemsi
Du champs des hommes
Catherine Poncin
Emmanuel Hermange
Catherine Poncin
Catherine Poncin
Paul Ardenne
Détournement d’intention
Catherine Poncin, Jean-Paul Chavent
Christian Michel
Auteur, Historien

Christian Michel, former student of ENS Fontenay/St-Cloud and aggregated with modern letters, is currently a lecturer (HDR) in comparative literature at the University of Picardie-Jules-Verne (Amiens). His work is devoted to analogy, the hermeneutics of fiction and the semiology of the visual arts. He published in particular (2013), (in collaboration with Michèle Bompard-Porte and Daniel Bennequin, 2013), and he managed the volumes of studies (2016) and A. Desplechin, in collaboration with Jean-Baptiste Renault, 2017).