In general, the vision that we have of Colombia is a vision of violent kidnappings, drugs, FARC. During the first stay in Bogota, I knew it would not be in this direction that I will direct my work. By visiting the Baroque churches and in the streets, I found that despite the conclave of 1961, the nuns were dressed in the same way at the time of my adolescence. There was a scent of imaging of St. Therese of Lisieux, holy pictures of the missal of my grandmother that was given to the solemn communion. To return to the convent, I met the Jesuit Father Luis Guillermo Sarasa (Director of the Department of Theology at the Faculty Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) and the bishop of Bogota, was the sesame. They gave me the book convents and congregations of Bogota and Cali, I was struck by their number. I knew the Carmelites, the Dominicans, the Franciscans and the Poor Clares as they are always present in France but with this book I discovered that there were other congregations from Spain which I had never heard . My project was to systematically portrait novices and sisters who made their perpetual vows. This is a series of portraits made in the convents of cloistered and non-cloistered featuring prayer and spirituality.
Françoise Huguier
Françoise Huguier

Françoise Huguier She began photography by chance by exciting for architectural photography. It is the encounter with Christian Caujolle, photo editor at Libération who passed professional status. She works at the photo service of liberation, it is dedicated to fashion photography, working for titles such as Vogue, Marie Claire and the New York Times magazine. She created the first Biennial of African Photography in Bamako (Mali) in 2008 is one of the commissioners of the Month of Photography, in 2011.
Gérard Lefort
Auteur, Journaliste

Gérard Lefort French film critic. He works at the newspaper Liberation, where he also writes articles related to fashion clothing. From 1990 to May 1996, he co-hosts on France Inter with Marie Colmant the weekly After the terminals there’s no limits. He also writes a thriller, titled Vomit or think that trunk in the series Octopus. He holds the Clipomania topic in emission Nobody move.