“(…) In this deeply feminine delicacy where fictitious or dreamed genealogical histories are intertwined, Nía discovers an intimate world of secret and suggestive traces; veiled traces under the eyelids of time. Her work, as she defines it otherwise, is an attempt to relive the tree of the past, to reconfigure this radiant latent childhood through photographs and poems that reveal to us an anterior and interior world (…) »
Leonora Vicuña
“Made of the same viscous and organic material as the blood, the work of Nía Diedla is offered to us here as an open wound where her images, convocators of specters, spread. Maleza opens and spreads with touching branches and contains both the rumor of underground rivers that come from a time we thought illusory ended. ”
Miguel Ángel Felipe
Nía Diedla

Nía Diedla (Chile, 1979), photographer. Lives in Paris since 2006. What interests her photographically are the roots, our (our) genealogical tree (s), childhood, the invented memory that comes from her and this mythology that we build with the missing pieces. His work is a half-open place where images are confused with words, whether written or not.