This dual Plossu/Fuentes book brings together the works of Bernard Plossu and Marcelo Fuentes, highlighting their shared interest in landscapes and cities as well as their similar artistic approach.
“Bringing together the works of Plossu and Fuentes allows us to shed light on certain questions, such as the distance between act and work in both mediums, the unequal perception of time in painting and photography. John Berger wrote that from the moment the photographic image is produced instantaneously through light, the figure is not imbued with either experience or consciousness; the photographer, it’s true, chooses the subject, but the relationship between the image and its representation is immediate, it’s not constructed, unlike the one established by the painter, whose work contains the time spent creating it.” – Salvador Albiñana
In addition to their shared interest in painting and photography, Plossu and Fuentes are both traveling artists who prefer to work with smaller formats. By bringing together their works, the exhibition allows the exploration of questions such as the relationship between action and the artwork in both mediums, as well as the differentiated perception of time between painting and photography.
Bernard Plossu

Aquarelles dessinées
Françoise Nuñez
Bernard Plossu
Plossu / Fuentes
Bernard Plossu, Marcelo Fuentes
Hyères / Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Gilles A. Tiberghien, François Carrassan
Plossu/Granet – Italia discreta
Bernard Plossu
Bruno Ely, Paméla Grimaud, Guillaume Cassegrain
Pneus & A day with the Creeleys
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Régis Durand
Bernard Plossu
Alain Bergala, Patrick Talbot
La prolongation du bonheur
Guillaume Geneste
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Denis Roche
Bernard Plossu
Jean-Christophe Bailly, Guillaume Geneste, Denis Roche
Le Havre en noir & blanc
Bernard Plossu
Annette Haudiquet, Aude Mathé
Photographier les jardins de Monet
Stephen Shore, Bernard Plossu, Darren Almond, Henri Foucault
Jeanne Fouchet-Nahas, Marina Ferretti Bocquillon
Le jardin de pierres
Bernard Plossu
Elisabeth Foch
Tours et détours
Jesse A. Fernández
Bernard Plossu, Gabriel Bauret, Juan Manuel Bonet
L’odeur du buis
Bernard Plossu
Gabriel Bauret, Farid Abdelouahab
Monet intime
Bernard Plossu
Vanessa Lecomte, Diego Candil, Cédric Lesec
Nous avons fait un très beau voyage
Bernard Plossu, Françoise Nuñez, Jacques Borgetto, Sophie Zénon
Laura Serani
Avant l’âge de raison
Bernard Plossu
William Lord Coleman
Bernard Plossu, Fabrice Dubreuil
Marc Donnadieu
Bernard Plossu
François Carrassan, Emmanuel Guigon
Hirondelles andalouses
Bernard Plossu
Jean-Christophe Bailly
Saison # 10
Bernard Plossu
Le cinéma fixe ?
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Lettre pour un très lent détour
Bernard Plossu
Joël Vernet, Philippe Arbaïzar
Où commence le ciel ?
Corinne Mercadier
François Seigneur, Bernard Plossu, Alain Fleischer, Charles-Arthur Boyer
Marcelo Fuentes

Marcelo Fuentes was born in 1955 in Valencia, Spain. As a self-taught artist, he honed his skills in painting and drawing, specializing in the depiction of urban spaces. He has a particular fondness for cities like Valencia, New York, and Tokyo, where light plays a pivotal role, creating interplays of light and shadow on walls and buildings. Fuentes’ works capture these urban spaces, which may appear deserted, but unveil an enigmatic presence. The urban scenes he creates convey a distinct atmosphere, where solitude intertwines with a certain tension and mysterious beauty.