Number 1 Pneus
“Photo tires, it does not really interest, that’s why it interests me!
That’s maybe that, photography,
these small neuroses of useful experience,
This narrative utopian envy drive …
As a natural practice
Ubuesque expression”
Bernard Plossu
Number 2 A day with the Creeleys
“It was pleasantly sunny the day we drove down from Santa Fe to Albuquerque to see our friends the Creeleys, Penelope and Bob.
The sun in winter is milder than in summer in the vast American West. Their son Will was 3 and ours, Shane, was 5.
Inside the house, a wood fire was purring . We stayed mostly outside, on the patio, chatting , just being together.
We probably talked about our mutual friend Denis Roche, far away in Paris.
It was the kind of day when time slips away deliciously, when you are thankful to share such moments of life…”
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu

Aquarelles dessinées
Françoise Nuñez
Bernard Plossu
Plossu / Fuentes
Bernard Plossu, Marcelo Fuentes
Hyères / Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Gilles A. Tiberghien, François Carrassan
Plossu/Granet – Italia discreta
Bernard Plossu
Bruno Ely, Paméla Grimaud, Guillaume Cassegrain
Pneus & A day with the Creeleys
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Régis Durand
Bernard Plossu
Alain Bergala, Patrick Talbot
La prolongation du bonheur
Guillaume Geneste
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Denis Roche
Bernard Plossu
Jean-Christophe Bailly, Guillaume Geneste, Denis Roche
Le Havre en noir & blanc
Bernard Plossu
Annette Haudiquet, Aude Mathé
Photographier les jardins de Monet
Stephen Shore, Bernard Plossu, Darren Almond, Henri Foucault
Jeanne Fouchet-Nahas, Marina Ferretti Bocquillon
Le jardin de pierres
Bernard Plossu
Elisabeth Foch
Tours et détours
Jesse A. Fernández
Bernard Plossu, Gabriel Bauret, Juan Manuel Bonet
L’odeur du buis
Bernard Plossu
Gabriel Bauret, Farid Abdelouahab
Monet intime
Bernard Plossu
Vanessa Lecomte, Diego Candil, Cédric Lesec
Nous avons fait un très beau voyage
Bernard Plossu, Françoise Nuñez, Jacques Borgetto, Sophie Zénon
Laura Serani
Avant l’âge de raison
Bernard Plossu
William Lord Coleman
Bernard Plossu, Fabrice Dubreuil
Marc Donnadieu
Bernard Plossu
François Carrassan, Emmanuel Guigon
Hirondelles andalouses
Bernard Plossu
Jean-Christophe Bailly
Saison # 10
Bernard Plossu
Le cinéma fixe ?
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Lettre pour un très lent détour
Bernard Plossu
Joël Vernet, Philippe Arbaïzar
Où commence le ciel ?
Corinne Mercadier
François Seigneur, Bernard Plossu, Alain Fleischer, Charles-Arthur Boyer