They are named Jeany, Jean-Paul, Marie-Alice, Nicole, Ginette, Titi, Bernie, Coco, Brigitte, Daniel, Ryad. They have the age of the heart, which is not counted in decades but in ever-renewing springs. They are the heroes of Letizia Le Fur, the guest of the 9th residency in Vichy. With the Vichy checkered pattern as a backdrop, this artist, who works her photographic palette like a painter, has crisscrossed the city and portrayed joyful seniors. In front of her lens, they have unleashed their imagination, donning the brightly colored attire of a virtuoso pianist or a femme fatale, a dancer or a dandy. Through their eccentricity, they even bring life back to the places they inhabit: the opera, the thermal baths, the church, the cultural center… Convinced that “Happiness supplants old age” (Franz Kafka), Letizia Le Fur has redefined the boundaries of a whimsical world where the lightness of living is expressed, year after year.
Letizia Le Fur

Letizia Le Fur, a graduate of the Fine Arts, initially trained in painting, quickly directed her aesthetic quest towards photography.
Fascinated by myths, she develops a body of work on the place of man in his primary environment, while reflecting on both the representation of beauty and an imagined elsewhere.
Nominated for the Niepce Prize (2022), laureate of the Great Photographic Order of the BNF (2022), the Leica/Alpine Prize (2018), as well as the “Open Windows” Prize organized by the MEP (2020), resident of the Planches Contact festival in Deauville (2020), and the InCadaques festival (2021), her work is the subject of individual and collective exhibitions.
She published two monographs “Mythologies” (chap. I,II) and (chap. III) with Editions Rue du Bouquet, work currently exhibited at the French Institute of Madrid.
Natacha Wolinski
Auteur, Ecrivain, Journaliste

Natacha Wolinski is an art critic who regularly collaborates with publications such as Connaissance des Arts, Le Quotidien de l’art, The Good Life, Air France magazine, and Marie-Claire Magazine. From 2003 to 2009, she hosted a photography-themed program titled “Mat ou brillant” on France Culture. In 2011, she published her first novel titled “En ton absence” (Grasset editions).
She frequently writes texts for Filigranes, including DaysinVichy, Echanges de vues, Walking, Echelle 1, Notices de la Corse, and Mister G.
An inventory of arctic glaciers
Vincent Mercier
Natacha Wolinski
Letizia Le Fur
Natacha Wolinski
Gilles Coulon
Natacha Wolinski
Anton Renborg
Natacha Wolinski
Yusuf Sevinçli
Natacha Wolinski
Echelle 1
Cédric Delsaux
Natacha Wolinski
Notices de la Corse
Anton Renborg
Natacha Wolinski
Mister G.
Gilbert Garcin
Natacha Wolinski