Almudena Romero – The Museum of Plant Art
Interested in the relationship between the plant and animal kingdoms, and the unrecognized experiences of pollinators. Certain flowers, like wild orchids, deploy specific and complex strategies to attract bees, consisting of elements that are olfactory, auditory, and visual. Her photographs reveal that the pollen of certain flowers shines, much like how we use glitter when we aim to attract someone!
Téo Becher – Emmêlement et autres histoires de forêts
These questions are rooted in the relentless opposition between nature and culture. The photographer includes in his approach a crucial issue: the impact of human activity on the landscape. By exploring the mountains and forests of Occitania, the aim is to analyze the perception of what we call nature. What tangible consequences does this perception entail? Téo Becher invites us to rethink your view of your environment and raises our awareness of the importance of complicating it.
Marion Ellena – Tu te souviens de la couleur de ma chambre ?
Explores the plasticity of memories through the materiality of photography using images taken with a smartphone. These are then subjected to alteration processes capable of capturing her memories while revealing their fragility. The artist collects “orphan” photographs found in recycling centers and flea markets, transforming and reinterpreting them to define the contours of a collective intimacy.
Almudena Romero

Almudena Romero, a photographer born in Madrid, works both in London and Valencia. Throughout her career, her various projects have questioned notions such as identity, representation, and ideology. She is interested in how the photographic image shapes our perception of reality. In her practice, humans cease to be at the center of the discussion, and plants become the core focus.
Téo Becher

Téo Becher was born in France and now lives in Brussels. His photographic work primarily focuses on the complex relationships between nature and culture. His photographs suggest traces of human intervention in various environments, transformed according to human needs.
Marion Ellena

Marion Ellena is a photographer born in Venezuela to a Peruvian mother and a French father. She is currently working in Marseille on the theme of memory. Her artistic approach is continually oscillating between the past and present, where photographs, as witnesses of intimate past memories, are tirelessly modified and altered to extract their essence.
Michel Poivert
Auteur, Critique d'art

Céline Clanet, Gaëlle Delort, Alžběta Wolfová
Michel Poivert
Rencontre Anaïs Boudot
Anaïs Boudot
Michel Poivert
Almudena Romero, Téo Becher, Marion Ellena
Michel Poivert, Fabien Ribery
Aglaé Bory
Michel Poivert
Carpe Diem
Catherine Poncin
Michel Poivert, Florence Calame-Levert
Dérive des baigneuses
Sandra Rocha
Michel Poivert
Guillaume Herbaut
Guillaume Herbaut
Michel Poivert, Sophie Bernard
Les Cahiers de la Fondation Gilles Caron
Gilles Caron
Michel Poivert
1418. échos, versos et graphies de batailles
Catherine Poncin
Michel Poivert, Guillaume Nahon
Les enfantillages pittoresques
Laurent Millet
Michel Poivert, Arthur Kopel, Christine Besson
No Exaggeration
Vincent Debanne
Michel Poivert
Man’s Land
Marie-Noëlle Boutin
Michel Poivert, Pascal Le Brun-Cordier, Aude Cordonnier
Hermine Bourgadier
Hermine Bourgadier
Michel Poivert
La région humaine – Des corps dans la ville
Collectif, Michel Poivert
Gilles Verneret
Un mince vernis de réalité
Michel Poivert, Céline Clanet, François Deladerrière, Géraldine Lay, Geoffroy Mathieu
Fabien Ribery
Auteur, Journaliste

Born in Calais in 1972, Fabien Ribery is author and creator of the site Associated with modern letters, he teaches at the University of Western Brittany. A literary critic at Artpress, he participates in many other magazines (L’In fi ni, Halogenide, Revue de la MEP, Edwarda, 29200 …) and regularly works with publishing houses, both photography and literature. Accompanying the artists who touch him in the long term, his work develops as a work in progress through contemporary sensibility.
Almudena Romero, Téo Becher, Marion Ellena
Michel Poivert, Fabien Ribery
Rencontre Carole Bellaïche
Carole Bellaïche
Fabien Ribery
1+2 Rhizome
Grégoire Eloy , Myriem Karim, Laure Winants
Fabien Ribery
1+2 Artefacts
Emeric Lhuisset, Coline Jourdan, Lucía Peluffo
Fabien Ribery
De la limite à la marge
Marc Loyon
Fabien Ribery
1+2 Elégies
Matthieu Gafsou, Manon Lanjouère, Matilda Holloway
Fabien Ribery
Ivresse de l’œil
Jacques Borgetto
Fabien Ribery