rencontre Guillaume Zuili – Pierre Collier
rencontre Guillaume Zuili – Pierre Collier
Guillaume Zuili is the first artist invited to discover the Perche. This trip allowed him to return to his origins to address the French landscape that he finally did not have the opportunity to photograph, spending his life abroad. Guided by the charm of the countryside and Percheronne forests; he created a set of a hundred images thanks to his singular and mysterious approach, which goes beyond the usual clichés of this picturesque territory.
Beyond the landscape, he has forged links with many inhabitants whose secret paths he followed, shared a good time and even took portraits -12 of them belong to the collection of the Ecomuseum of Perche. The unexpected presence of Pierre Collier, a great friend and images lover who came to live in the Perche to write, finds an ideal receptacle in this book. Their exchanges are articulated through the sagacity of their glances, the humanity of which they analyse with delight the ironic signs, the chances of life and of that out-oftime of which they savor the result thanks to the images of G. Zuili . Each grain of light is engraved in these subtle prints and meets trough the pages of P. Collier’s tasty pearls.
Christine Ollier
Guillaume Zuili

Guillaume Zuili Born in France in 1965, he lives in Los Angeles where he has just obtained American citizenship. Photographer of the agency VU ‘, he works in India between 1986 to 1995 and publishes in 2003 his first book Pondicherry, Chandernagor, Mahé, Karibal and Yanaon to the Editions du Chêne. From 1996, his photographic work takes shape, and questions the complexity of European cities throughout history. By focusing on the technique of the double exposure, he documents Berlin, Moscow, Paris, Prague and Lisbon, with a style that is already detached from realism.
Pierre Collier
Pierre Collier Affichiste for international auteur cinema, nearly 700 works conceived and realized to date, he writes punctually on the cinema and photography that he practices as an amateur.