Luuk Wilmering work is based on questions about his own identity, he suggests making feints. Despite their common themes and ordinary appearance, the images immediately attract attention.
The approach is based on Wilmering border where art and life meet. His work includes installation, collages, audio walks, works for screenings and artist’s books. With his work he paints a vivid portrait of impotence: the inability to behave according to the conventions of social interaction. For the viewer of such images provoke an occasional awkward feeling of mild embarrassment or confusion. And from time to time, their images have an element of tragedy.
The approach is based on Wilmering border where art and life meet. His work includes installation, collages, audio walks, works for screenings and artist’s books. With his work he paints a vivid portrait of impotence: the inability to behave according to the conventions of social interaction. For the viewer of such images provoke an occasional awkward feeling of mild embarrassment or confusion. And from time to time, their images have an element of tragedy.
Wilmering Luuk (1957) currently resides in the workshop Holsboer at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. This workshop has been installed by the Dutch Institute through a bequest of Wilma Deierkauf–Holsboer. Artists who stay there for 6 or 12 months, are selected in collaboration with the Foundation for the visual arts, architecture and design (BKVB Fund) by a jury of art professionals.
Bert is a curator at the Museum Sliggers Teylers in Haarlem in the Netherlands. He organized many exhibitions on the area of intersection between art and science. His main interest isthe link between the history of science and history of Gathering.