Une femme qui erre la nuit, fait une halte dans un bar avant de rentrer chez elle.
Catherine Schaub-Abkarian, Sylvie Amato,
Frédéric Andrau, Valérie Pujol, Jean-Bernard Emery,
Jean Digne…
– création sonore – Laure Budin
– montage image – Rima Samman
– mixage – Philippe Grivel
– production – Filigranes
Format image – 16:9
Durée – 17′
Rima Samman
Artiste, Auteur, Cinéaste, Vidéaste
A Lebanese-born multidisciplinary director and artist, Rima Samman graduated in Orthoptics from the Pierre and Marie Curie Faculty of Medicine, before interrupting her thesis in Arab Sociolinguistics at the New Sorbonne to work in cinema.
In her early days, she held various positions on many films by authors among them Philippe Ramos, Ziad Doueri and Bruno Dumont, while writing and directing her own films.
An eclectic filmmaker, his fiction films have been pre-purchased by France 3 and Arte and awarded at numerous festivals, while his experimental films and essays are shown in festivals and museums, and screened before screenings in cinemas.
Currently, she is working on two feature films, Dans le cœur une hirondelle (in search of production funding) and Tout sur mon père (in writing).
In September 2020, she exhibited (images and video) at the Portrait (s) de Vichy photo festival, alongside Charles Fréger, Ed Alcock, Chris Steelle-Perkins, Arlène Gottfried, Bruce Wrighton, Sébastien Camboulive, Alexis Cordesse, Paul Pouvreau, Danielle Levitt, Claudine Doury.