“Tunisia Located 7 km from the border post with Libya Choucha camp has become a transit point for hundreds of thousands of refugees from sub-Saharan origin who fled the war in Libya. Since 2011, date of onset of the camp in the Tunisian desert, I followed the lives of refugees. My photographic and video work reflects the particular space-time of this place of life marked by waiting. The wait associated with different stages of asylum applications by refugees who mingles with the tension of these fates hanging in a temporary location, become sustainable by the force of things, and finally disappeared.“
Samuel Gratacap
À l’occasion du lancement de son nouveau « Prix LE BAL de la jeune création », LE BAL présente l’exposition EMPIRE consacrée au travail de Samuel Gratacap du 11 septembre au 4 octobre 2015.
Samuel Gratacap

Gratacap Samuel was born in France in 1982 and received his artistic training at the College of Fine Arts in Marseille. Since 2007, he leads a reflection on the representation of north-south geopolitical, south-south and transitional areas on the map of migration routes in the Mediterranean. His investigative work and immersion is based on the photographed and filmed image. It has already materialized several projects in transit zones, especially in the administrative detention center of Canet (Marseille, 2007-2008), on the island of Lampedusa (2010), and lived for two years between France and Tunisia . In 2013, he won the SFR-Le Bal young photographers Award for his project in Tunisia’s Choucha refugee camp (project co-financed by the CNAP / Support Fund for Documentary Photography, 2012) which will result in a solo exhibition at the ball at the end of 2014.
Léa Bismuth
Auteur, Commissaire, Directrice artistique

Léa Bismuth Author and art critic, her practice combines literature and contemporary art, and explores the possibilities of writing the exhibition, from essay to story. She has been writing in artpress since 2006. Nourished with philosophy, she initiated the curatorial research program La Traversée des Inquiétudes (a trilogy of exhibitions after Georges Bataille, Labanque de Béthune, from 2016 to 2019). Since 2013, she has curated about twenty exhibitions. In May 2019, she published La Besogne des Images at Editions Filigranes, and co-curator of the exhibition Dans l’atelier la création at work at the Musée Delacroix Paris.
La Besogne des images
Léa Bismuth, Mathilde Girard
Clément Cogitore
Léa Bismuth, Bertrand Schefer
Being Beauteous
Amaury da Cunha, Marie Maurel de Maillé, Nicolas Comment, Anne-Lise Broyer
Léa Bismuth, Yannick Haenel, Etienne Hatt, Jean Deilhes, Hélène Giannecchini
Samuel Gratacap
Léa Bismuth
Dorothée Davoise
Léa Bismuth