Three photographers looked at the city of Saint-Etienne: the investigation they conducted focused on the syntax and morphology of the frame as it can be observed in the city. Nothing “normative” so in this “grammar of shapes”. On the contrary, it was to consider the very variety of management gestures that could be detected in the city. This makes the mark of major projects planned with the structuring effects (which has been put in place in time), but also less concerted interventions arising from the effects of liberalism, withdrawal phenomena or Abandonment related to the economic recession, or individual initiatives of low empan, most often done with rudimentary means. All these development actions, in their own diversity, come up with right in the “grammar” of the city of Saint-Étienne – which can only be seen by variety and wealth.
At the origin of this book, the bet was that, of the crossing of these three looks and the writings which accompany them, a questioning, a plurality of observations would be likely to develop on the architectural and urbanistic wealth of Saint- Étienne.
Éric Tabuchi

Éric Tabuchi was born in Paris in 1959. furrowing a territory that extends over a radius of about 250 km around Paris, it photography empty peri-urban landscapes of human presence that seem to belong to the large areas of Western American.
Jordi Ballesta
Jordi Ballesta is photographer a researcher in landscaped photography and studies, attached to CIEREC (Jean Monnet University) and UMR Larca (Paris-Diderot University).
Guillaume Bonnel

Guillaume Bonnel lives in the Atlantic Pyrenees. He devoted himself to landscape photography after an environment doctorate. Alternating personal work on the landscape, visual research with academics and orders for actors in the environment and town planning. He has produced several photographic observatories of the landscape such as that of the Saoû forest in Drôme, the department of Ille-et-Vilaine, or regional natural parks of the mountain of Reims and Landes de Gascogne. He also collaborates with landscape atlas for landscapers.
He participated in the France.S photographic mission, liquid territory, and is the author of various articles on the links between photography and territorial projects.
Danièle Méaux

Danièle Méaux is a specialist in contemporary photography and professor in aesthetics and art sciences at the University of Saint-Etienne. She is the author of photography and time (PUP, 1997), Voyages de photographers (Puse, 2009), Geo-Photographies. A renewed approach to the territory (Filigranes, 2015), surveys. New forms of documentary photography (Filigranes, 2019) and contemporary & anthropocene photography (Filigranes, 2022). She is also editor -in -chief of the journal Focales:
Sur les traces du Furan
Danièle Méaux, Pierre Suchet
Quand la photographie pense la forêt
Danièle Méaux
Photographie contemporaine & anthropocène
Danièle Méaux
Grammaire de formes
Éric Tabuchi, Jordi Ballesta, Guillaume Bonnel
Danièle Méaux
Anatomie d’une ville
Guillaume Bonnel
Danièle Méaux
Danièle Méaux
Danièle Méaux