At the crossroads of the real, the intimate and the fiction … A photographic diary. It is a return on images, an inventory of fixtures, a flow of notes, an editing of archives without chronology and any provenance. which crosses the researches, personal or professional, the orders, the projects carried out or not and which echoes a photographic practice of the everyday life such as a logbook. Of the order of the photographic essay, it is an attempt liberated of the codes of the series or the subject, it’s a quest; of meaning, of memory, of a medium to be redefined in all its forms of production and diffusion. It is a dive in an archive material that has been made for more than twenty years, a moment where things arise to continue, a corpus created as a liberating gesture, a book to keep track.
330 copies printed.
Laure Vasconi

Laure is represented by the gallery Sit Down.