Bernard Plossu’s Le Jardin de poussière, first published in 1998, offers an intimate and poetic vision of the American desert. Through small black-and-white prints reminiscent of daguerreotypes, Plossu captures the subtlety and mysterious essence of these arid landscapes.
Taken between 1981 and 1985 during walks through Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, his photographs reflect a personal and spiritual quest. Rejecting spectacular grandeur, he favors a minimalist and stripped-down approach, celebrating the discreet beauty of natural elements. The desert, presented as a “garden of dust,” embodies both fragility and resilience—a vital space to be preserved. These images express a deep nostalgia for Native American sacred lands and celebrate the fragile balance of nature in all its poetry.
Bernard Plossu

Le jardin de poussière
Bernard Plossu
Stuart Alexander, Emmanuelle de l’Ecotais
Isabelle Huppert – Pauline Croze
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Aquarelles dessinées
Françoise Nuñez
Bernard Plossu
Plossu / Fuentes
Bernard Plossu, Marcelo Fuentes
Hyères / Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Gilles A. Tiberghien, François Carrassan
Plossu/Granet – Italia discreta
Bernard Plossu
Bruno Ely, Paméla Grimaud, Guillaume Cassegrain
Pneus & A day with the Creeleys
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Régis Durand
Bernard Plossu
Alain Bergala, Patrick Talbot
La prolongation du bonheur
Guillaume Geneste
Bernard Plossu
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Denis Roche
Bernard Plossu
Jean-Christophe Bailly, Guillaume Geneste, Denis Roche
Le Havre en noir & blanc
Bernard Plossu
Annette Haudiquet, Aude Mathé
Photographier les jardins de Monet
Stephen Shore, Bernard Plossu, Darren Almond, Henri Foucault
Jeanne Fouchet-Nahas, Marina Ferretti Bocquillon
Le jardin de pierres
Bernard Plossu
Elisabeth Foch
Tours et détours
Jesse A. Fernández
Bernard Plossu, Gabriel Bauret, Juan Manuel Bonet
L’odeur du buis
Bernard Plossu
Gabriel Bauret, Farid Abdelouahab
Monet intime
Bernard Plossu
Vanessa Lecomte, Diego Candil, Cédric Lesec
Nous avons fait un très beau voyage
Bernard Plossu, Françoise Nuñez, Jacques Borgetto, Sophie Zénon
Laura Serani
Avant l’âge de raison
Bernard Plossu
William Lord Coleman
Bernard Plossu, Fabrice Dubreuil
Marc Donnadieu
Bernard Plossu
François Carrassan, Emmanuel Guigon
Hirondelles andalouses
Bernard Plossu
Jean-Christophe Bailly
Saison # 10
Bernard Plossu
Le cinéma fixe ?
Bernard Plossu
Dominique Païni
Lettre pour un très lent détour
Bernard Plossu
Joël Vernet, Philippe Arbaïzar
Où commence le ciel ?
Corinne Mercadier
François Seigneur, Bernard Plossu, Alain Fleischer, Charles-Arthur Boyer
Stuart Alexander
Auteur, Historien

Stuart Alexander is a photography historian and exhibition curator. A specialist in the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson and American photography, he has written essays on major figures such as Bernard Plossu. His analytical and sensitive approach explores the connections between photography, history, and culture, making him a key reference in the field of visual arts.
Emmanuelle de l’Ecotais
Auteur, Commissaire

Emmanuelle de l’Ecotais is an art historian specializing in modern and contemporary photography. An exhibition curator and former head of the photography collections at the Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, she is the author of numerous publications.