The “anthropocene” signs a deep civilizational crisis. The Assizes, on which Western societies have felt for a long time solidly established, now seem precarious. The confidence in technical progress and scientific acquisitions is shaken.
Many contemporary photographic works are working to problematize and think about the evolutions of our lifestyles, our values, our relationships in living things, time or progress. In this work, it is a question of analyzing the way in which these works give to think, being fertilized in the public debate.
List of photographers present: Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Mishka Henner, Smith, Ignacio Acosta, Mathieu Assinl, Richard Misrach, Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre, Carlos Ayesta & Guillaume Bression, Guillaume Herbaut, Robert Polidori, Céline Clanet, Françoais Delderrière, Petra Stavast, Jan Stradtmann, Marina Caneve, Céline Duval, Batia Suter, Arno Gisinger, Catherine Poncin, Agnès Geoffray, Jan Fontcuberta, Mathieu Pernot, Jean-Marie Donat, Bernard Plossu, Jean-Luc Mylayne, Michel Séméniako, Thomas Struth, Jürgen Nefzger , Bertrand Stofleth, Julien Guinand, Joel Sternfeld, Éric Dessert, Thierry Girard, Beatrix von Contact, Brigitte Bauer, Guillaume Bonnel, Marc Deneyer, Anne-Marie Filaire, Olivier de Sépibus, Geoffroy Mathieu, Ianna Andréadis, Bruno Goosse.
- 15/04/2024 Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative par Véronique Bragard (Image & Narrative)
- 11/03/2024 numéro 8 de la revue par Chiara Salari (Transbordeur)
- 11/01/2024 Documenter l’anthropocène ? par Olivier Gaudin (Metro Politiques)
- 01/05/2023 Reviewed by: Jan Baetens (Leonardo Reviews Archive )
- 23/02/2023 Photographie contemporaine et anthropocène par Julie Noirot (ESSE)
- 15/12/2022 Photographies et anthropocène par Natacha Nataf (Beaux-arts)
- 12/12/2022 Photographie contemporaine et anthropocène, par Clément Paradis (Revue Marges)
- 20/12/2022 Argent, sel et terres rares La photographie dans l'anthropocène écologique (Fotogeschichte)
- 05/01/2023 Photographie contemporaine & anthropocène, un état des lieux, par Danièle Méaux, essayiste (Le blog de Fabien Ribery)
Danièle Méaux

Danièle Méaux is a specialist in contemporary photography and professor in aesthetics and art sciences at the University of Saint-Etienne. She is the author of photography and time (PUP, 1997), Voyages de photographers (Puse, 2009), Geo-Photographies. A renewed approach to the territory (Filigranes, 2015), surveys. New forms of documentary photography (Filigranes, 2019) and contemporary & anthropocene photography (Filigranes, 2022). She is also editor -in -chief of the journal Focales:
Sur les traces du Furan
Danièle Méaux, Pierre Suchet
Quand la photographie pense la forêt
Danièle Méaux
Photographie contemporaine & anthropocène
Danièle Méaux
Grammaire de formes
Éric Tabuchi, Jordi Ballesta, Guillaume Bonnel
Danièle Méaux
Anatomie d’une ville
Guillaume Bonnel
Danièle Méaux
Danièle Méaux
Danièle Méaux