“Just Pictures” said Bernard Descamps photographs he took during his travels. Images “recognized”. Pictures “met”. What does this mean? This means that the photographer is still hoping to cross his path the images already in the head. “I travel to meet me” he says. Also do not travel there just anywhere. He has his favorite destinations.
Bernard Descamps which feels good, it is Africa. Beginning at the meeting of landscapes and people, there is near Berber, Fulani, Bozo’s, the Pygmies, whose photos have shocked all those who watched. Thus, in Descamps, the fondness she is in the choice of frame, the distance between too far and too close in the hierarchy of plans within the image. In the degree of abstraction, the nature of the graphic work he puts into his image. It decentered, it shifts, it truncates. Against the light, blurred, fragmented bodies, real stylish … It does not tinker reality, he plays with.

Bernard Descamps


Born in Paris in 1947.
PhD in Biology, he became a photographer in the early 1970s.
He is now represented by the Camera Obscura Gallery and was one of the founding photographers of Agence VU in 1985. He works mainly on the choice of framing in the shot, in square format, going against Of the “academic” rules of composition. His main works are in black and white, notably on Africa. He captures those moments when reality is mingled with his imagination. He exhibited with André Kertesz (his “master”), at the Leverkusen Museum in 1976 … Publications at Filigranes editions: Autoportrait, Où sont passés nos rêves ?. Ici même, Quelques Afriques, Lady Land, Silences, Evening Land, Japon, Berbère, Le don du fleuve.

Brigitte Ollier

Auteur, Journaliste

John Ford Point, avec des photographies de Vincent Mercier, est son dernier livre édité par Filigranes, après Henri (Cartier-Bresson), Robert (Doisneau), et Hervé (Guibert). Elle a aussi accompagné Louis Heilbronn pour From Flowers and More et, auparavant, Bernard Descamps avec Quelques Afriques.

Chez Hazan, ont paru Robert Doisneau et Manuel Alvarez Bravo ; aux éditions du Regard, Rogi André, photo sensible, avec Elisabeth Nora ; aux éditions de l’œil, Malick Sidibé au village.


Son site web, www.best-regards.fr, assemble ses instantanés de voyages et ses rencontres au fil du temps.