[…] I perceived that Jean-Pierre Evrard did not scrutinize his memory, did not plow a lost field of memories. He provided a delicate course imbued with poetry and irresistible inclination to others in what they have better, a passionate taste and overflowing to be infinitely contemporary.
It comes from far away. Jean-Pierre never gave himself the master’s posture. What characterizes him is the safety of an intimately linked to deep, generous, Christian respect for the experiments of others. Meeting has always been one of his greatest pleasures. And with him, the act of knowledge manifests itself each time as a moment of light, clearing each image of the local and the drapeting of universal. I was happy to browse the dozens of boxes where its prints are methodically classified. Classification of goldsmith. Each sheet placed on the dish of the hand is a happiness of the senses, the paper has been chosen, the Poudreoie selenium, the gray are treated powerfully. And then, in these boxes are also the albumins of Tlemcen, the glass plates of Cambodia, the portraits of Cavilla, the exchanges bringing the gift to the highest of the happiness of dialogue with the other photographers: Edouard Boubat, Willy Ronis, Bernard Plossu, Claude Donyvon, Luc Choquer or Marie-Paule Nègre, to name only her favorites. […] Patrick Manac’h
* Three different photographs each drawn in ten copies.
Jean-Pierre Evrard

Jean-Pierre Evrard born in 1936 in Saint-Omer. He began his career as a photographer in 1954 through learning accompanied by courses aux Beaux-Arts and then training in graphic arts. His writing is characterized by a humanist look, a work on matter and symbols as well as by the quality of his silver prints which give his universe a timeless poetry. He entered Kodak-Pathé where he was in charge of the technical and commercial training of professional photographers in France and then in Africa. From that time he retained a vocation as a pedagogue which made it for more than thirty years a highly requested trainer.
He began a personal work in 1980 and traveled in many countries, carrying out an author’s work on the inhabitants and their environment, favoring African countries and in particular Morocco where he goes regularly.
It is represented by the Galerie Rouge, Paris.
Patrick Manac’h

Patrick Manac’h born in Madagascar in 1954. Studies of political science and letters in Bordeaux.
He founded the Maison de la photography de Marrakech with Hamid Mergani in 2009. Passionate about the history of ideas and anthropology, his intention is to bring together the works of photographers who express the multiple voices of a Moroccan fascination. Patrick Manac’h is also engaged in humanitarian, educational, and heritage actions both in Nepal and in Morocco.
The meeting with Jean-Pierre Evrard gave birth to a strong exchange, a deeply aesthetic and humanist milestone.