Tranging is a snapshot of contemporary cuisine, drawn through those who do it, the cooks, and their tool, the knife. One hundred and twenty-eight seasoned professionals or committed are past, armed with their utensils, by I love what you do!, The photo studio mounted by Vincent Lappartain and Julien Mignot. In four months, in confinement, they photographed and interviewed the chiefs. The recurring protocol from the black and white portrait and the hand holding the knife brushes a palm portrait of a diverse, mixed and absolutely abundant French gastronomy. Tanking is a culinary and photographic test that deals with gesture, tool and crafts.
96 chefs et cuisiniers, 10 boulangers-pâtissiers, 6 bouchers, 6 sommeliers, 3 journalistes, 3 auteurs, 2 forgerons, 2 aiguiseurs, 2 confiturieres, 1 Pizzaiolo, 1 chocolatier – 132 Lames
Julien Mignot

Julien Mignot (1981) lives in Paris. Self-taught artist and collector. He creates portraits for the press (New York Times, World, Liberation, …) and music (Believe, Wagram, Universal), behind-the-scenes reports of fashion shows or workshops of major brands ( Chanel, Hermes …), at the Philharmonie de Paris (residency since 2010). He commissioned the French part of the Amman Image Festival in Jordan. He created the studio I love what you do! And in 2018, he made his first short film (M. Amalric, D. Bonnard, V. Du Bois). He exhibited his images in Paris (Salon Approach, Leica Gallery, Interval Gallery, Agnès B.), Geneva, Sydney (Festival Heads On).
Vincent Lappartient

Vincent lappartant after training in art history at the Sorbonne and the School of Higher Social Sciences, Vincent Lappartain specializes in fashion: “The fashion show as a show” object of an exhibition at Galliera Museum “Show Time” of which he was co-commissioner in 2005. Photographer essentially in fashion and luxury, he created with Julien Mignot the photo studio “I love what you do” in 2014 in Paris. He teaches for twenty years the history of fashion and the history of art, in Esmod schools and Mod’Art, while photographing for the largest luxury houses, Chanel and Dior.